- Mike Little
- @mikelittlezed1
- @mikelittle
- mikelittle
- Stockport, UK
- mikelittle.org
- Tweets
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Recent tweets « page 78
RT @Harryslaststand: In the 1930s I scrambled through rubbish bins looking for something to eat for my tea b/c of an austerity created to k…
RT @BritSciAssoc: LOVE the new Little Miss Inventor, and we’re honoured that she’ll be launched during British Science Week! @EgmontUK http…
RT @jesswade: I made #LittleMissInventor some @Science_Grrl friends. 🚀👩🏻🔬👩🏽💻👩🏿🔧 #ThisGirlCan pic.twitter.com/7bTP4G3s0n
RT @staceyNYCDC: “Women are taught to question our realities when we are young. ‘He was only trying to be nice. He’s just awkward. You’re t…
RT @_Kattnipp_: A minute’s silence for the millennials who believe that was a fax machine
RT @WomenYSK: We’re thankful for guest contributor @monicabyrne13 who wrote this powerful piece in May in response to how @Microsoft packag…
RT @Humanists_UK: 158 years ago #onthisday, a book was published that changed the world. pic.twitter.com/4WTUGGwEQd
RT @PinkNews: No-one is talking about Egypt’s shocking homophobic purge pinknews.co.uk/2017/11/23/no-…
RT @reshmasaujani: I am grateful for all the women who have spoken out this year about their experience with sexual assault and exercised t…
RT @34SP: Looking to follow some incredibly insightful WordPress community members on Twitter? Here are 10 to start with:
RT @GurbirSingh: Book reviews and price discount for the book released last month – The Indian Space Programme wp.me/pfHJU-WN http…
RT @simonwheatley: Ladies and gentlemen, our Brexit Negotiator: Mr David Davis
[taps mic]
Hello, do you have a minute? I would like to talk to you about a profile of David Davis that was published in the Telegraph in 2005.
— Marie Le Conte (@youngvulgarian) November 21, 2017
RT @adafruit: just ordered a sino:bit elecrow.com/sino-bit-v1-0.… created by @RealSexyCyborg designed and produced by @Elecrow1 it is the first…
RT @AmeliaStars2209: @mikelittlezed1 @jonathenharty
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Which month in 2015, did Scott Kelly set the record for the total accumulated number of days spent in space – the single longest space mission by an American astronaut?— MajorTim.space (@majortimspace) November 20, 2017
RT @RealSexyCyborg: I consider the issue with me resolved. This apology is more comprehensive and I have been promised tools with which I c…
RT @mattwaldram: This article about “bumbling” men suggests that the whole “can’t see it” angle is bullshit:
RT @humanmadeltd: Why did we spend a company-paid working day treating our loved ones? 🎈 bit.ly/2mrD6WY pic.twitter.com/rvWuWeQaY2
RT @S_cientificos: Y #GraciasMuchachos a todo el equipo técnico allá en Reino Unido:
RT @lizthegrey: It’s been 11 days. None of the community harm from the racism/transphobia/sexism, nor the reputational damage to @RealSexyC…
RT @gourmetgigs: Cakes, a spirited debate on #wordpresschanges with @mkjones, and thanks @mikelittlezed1 for some invaluable help. A fun ev…
RT @ChukaUmunna: Article 50 is revocable and, as the the former German Finance Minister (now Speaker of their parliament), Wolfgang Schäubl…
RT @StephenMullen: Very interesting and heated debate about the new WordPress editor Gutenberg at tonights Manchester WordPress User Group…
RT @SiobhanLHancock: Quite the debate @MWUG tonight. Thank you @makedoers for coming, it’s been a great night 😁 pic.twitter.com/LEtHZynH1w