Tweet Archive for hashtag “#onthisday”

RT @Humanists_UK: Albert Einstein was born #onthisday 1879. Did you know he was a member of, and helped to run, several humanist groups in…

8:54pm Mar 14 2022 —

RT @Humanists_UK: Humanist Alan Turing was born #onthisday in 1912. His genius helped the Allies to win the war, but sadly he was not treat…

10:59pm Jun 23 2020 —

RT @Humanists_UK: 158 years ago #onthisday, a book was published that changed the world.

5:11pm Nov 24 2017 —

RT @BHAhumanists: Born #onthisday in 1934: first human in space, Yuri Gagarin. His joyful conclusions on seeing Earth from afar are well wo…

6:07pm Mar 9 2017 —