- Mike Little
- @mikelittlezed1
- @mikelittle
- mikelittle
- Stockport, UK
- mikelittle.org
- Tweets
- With Replies
Recent tweets and replies « page 32
RT @Nigella_Lawson: A still small voice of calm independent.co.uk/voices/transge…
Proud to have taken part in the Rebooted Genesis Community Livecast talking about the contributions members of the…
RT @wpengine: After a brief hiatus, the Genesis Community Livecast is set to reboot next week with WordPress co-creator @mikelittlezed1!
@StarFire2258 Sean, Matt Mullenweg is the co-founding developer of WordPress. wordpress.org/about/#story
Can you correct your article, please.
RT @studiopress: Join us next Tuesday for an interview with WordPress co-creator @mikelittlezed1 and Genesis community leaders @TheCre8tive…
RT @studiopress: We’re rebooting the #GenesisWP Community Livecast! Join us next Tuesday, August 25th, for an interview with WordPress co-c…
August 2020 Meeting: Wednesday 19th, 6pm-8pm, Online z1.tl/1au
RT @Nadine_Writes: Jamaica’s high court has ruled that a school was within its rights to demand that a girl cut her dreadlocks to attend cl…
@Tarendai I’ve figured it out. The wptobuffer plugin was set to repost on update! And I updated the markup. Turned off now.
Buffer is being weird. Again with the five year old post!
WordPress news roundup #2 j.mp/30bdWxq
Join in so Mark Zuckerberg hears us loud & clear: it’s time to #StopHateForProfit on @Facebook and act against hate…
The Government’s restated its commitment to banning ‘gay conversion therapy’… but why has it taken this long? Thi…
@tomwillmot I didn’t but I’m going to check them out.
I just liked “Everything is a Remix: Reality” on #Vimeo: vimeo.com/434085820
I just liked “I’m a Scientist – An Introduction in 60 seconds” by @imascientist on #Vimeo: vimeo.com/440277000
@zerobscrm @jetpackcrm Will this stay as a standalone plugin? Or will it eventually require the Jetpack plugin and/…
@heropress Ping me an email mikelittle.org/contact-me/
@wppompey I won’t be recording this one (I haven’t announced it or obtained consent) but I’m planning to in the future.
@wppompey No one confirmed so I was going to look at demoing some new features in wp 5.5 beta.
RT @mwug: July’s MWUG meeting will be on Wednesday 15th online using Zoom 6pm-8pm. RSVP on meetup.com for the Zoom link. https…
July’s MWUG meeting will be on Wednesday 15th online using Zoom 6pm-8pm. RSVP on meetup.com for the Zo…