Tweet Archive for hashtag “#IEng2012”

RT @FromTheLabBench: By far the coolest coffee mug I’ve ever seen! I’m an Engineer, Get me Out of Here mug!! — @Fr …

5:35am May 3 2012 —

RT @imascientist: And the final thank you goes to… @shanemcc who makes everything happen #IAS2012 #IEng2012 < Hear hear!

4:40pm Mar 23 2012 —

RT @ShaneMcC: A final(ish) thank you … for making it all happen too #ias2012 #ieng2012 < My pleasure!

4:37pm Mar 23 2012 —

RT @imascientist: Less than 1 hour before the first evictions for #IAS2012 and #IEng2012. Students have till 3 to vote to save their fav …

2:52pm Mar 20 2012 —