- Mike Little
- @mikelittlezed1
- @mikelittle
- mikelittle
- Stockport, UK
- mikelittle.org
- Tweets
- With Replies
Recent tweets « page 72
RT @rnelson0: @MaxieRyan @RealSexyCyborg @thehivebkk My company has a newsletter about people fired for policy violations. Top of the list…
RT @captbaritone: It’s done! 🎉 Winamp2-js (jordaneldredge.com/projects/winam…) finally supports all three windows!
To celebrate, here’s a list of som…
RT @Gedgerax: @goddersbloom Starting early this year! pic.twitter.com/JZylj5CKDg
RT @majortimspace: We had a fantastic time this evening with 1st Abergele Scouts, building boats & having a competition to test their stabi…
RT @humanmadeltd: ✨Presenting our Client Handbook✨
Documentation to support us in delivering our best work, and building and maintaining o…
RT @Crazy_Kizzy: Quite a clever piece here done by Molly who has Usher’s Syndrome, meaning that she has hearing and sight problems. https:/…
RT @jloxen: @OpenSourceOrg @netzpolitik 1989 GPLv2 and others even earlier – how do you count to 20? #opensource #freesoftware
Love this Black Girl art from Dorcas.
Gold plated soft enamel pinApprox. 3cm (w) x 4cm (h) dorcascreates.com/shop/afronaut-…
RT @LibbyJackson__: Thank you Amelia and @majortimspace – it is always lovely to see the ongoing impact and inspiration @astro_timpeake, th…
RT @Humanists_UK: Jersey has now joined Scotland and Ireland in giving legal recognition to humanist wedding ceremonies.
Why are England…
RT @dhh: This is how you start moving the boundaries of acceptable behavior. Next up: Health claim denied due to that Facebook party pic of…
RT @imascientist: ‘The incredible, inquisitive students … it was an absolute joy to take part in.’
Fantastic post from @OliJWilson on hi…
RT @WebDevLaw: New post: my tech predictions for 2018 (better late than never…) webdevlaw.uk/2018/01/29/tec…
RT @majortimspace: Weekly ‘Galactic Cosmic Quiz’!
Last week the answer was…… 2009!
Next 7 days –
Jupiter is named after……?
Please help @Humanists_UK save the life of a humanist who is being deported to Pakistan, where humanists are execut…
RT @evacide: If you are a woman who has been sexually abused by a hacker who threatened to compromise your devices, contact me and I will m…
RT @mariafarrell: When @RosariaTaddeo and I co-teach cybersecurity ethics and policy, we sometimes reference neveragain.tech where…
If you write software or handle data, please read this thread, and research this story. You can make a difference.
This is a thread for those of you who say coders and developers should take no role in politics. Those of you who watched my #WCLDN talk last year already heard this story. You can hear it again.
This was Rene Carmille, and that is a punch card. pic.twitter.com/GJeWmFKIeH
— Heather Burns (@WebDevLaw) January 27, 2018
RT @wptavern: WordPress Turns 15 Years Old wptavern.com/wordpress-turn… pic.twitter.com/89KgYYjhlZ
RT @the_jsf: Why and how have #JavaScript tools evolved into what they are today?
@peterxjang explains in his blog “Modern #JavaScript exp…
RT @dimensionmedia: .@WordPress is 15 years old! Happy anniversary! 🎉
Thanks to @photomatt @mikelittlezed1 for making a platform that not…
RT @coolfields: Slides from my #Accessibility Tools presentation at @MWUG are at: slideshare.net/mobile/coolfie…
Any feedback gratefully received…