- Mike Little
- @mikelittlezed1
- @mikelittle
- mikelittle
- Stockport, UK
- mikelittle.org
- Tweets
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Recent tweets « page 61
RT @Thayer: To those who think I’m a drama queen: I’m happy for you to label me as you wish. Until women (& and other marginalised groups)…
RT @roytanck: Congratulations to @mikelittlezed1, @photomatt and the entire community on the 15th birthday of #WordPress! Happy to have bee…
RT @pitbop: This is exactly where that refusing to sell wedding cakes bullshit was always heading.
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA): It's ok to not sell homes to gay people https://t.co/YjtbkmwqEB
— The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) May 25, 2018
RT @WooCommerce: Today, we’re joining open-source enthusiasts from all over the world in celebrating the 15th anniversary of WordPress. Woo…
A chat with the co-founder of WordPress
RT @photomatt: WordPress at 15 ma.tt/2018/05/wordpr… pic.twitter.com/YDwSWqoIit
RT @madlabuk: Wanting to boost your WordPress game? Who better than WordPress co-founder @mikelittlezed1 to show you how it’s done?! Join M…
RT @americnhumanist: We are honored to receive this message from @Humanists_UK & UK’s All Party Parliamentary Humanist Group congratulating…
So, @EE, In today’s email, you say “We do try to keep price changes to a minimum.” How then do you justify a 50% fo…
RT @maxipotential: Help raise £5000 to help little Max get critical therapies. justgiving.com/crowdfunding/s…
Help research who will be hurt by the EU copyright proposals, and make a difference to stopping censorship. Sign up…
Hmmm… No. That’s not how these words work. pic.twitter.com/J2azgrUEHb
RT @rboren: “For white supremacy to be made perfect, the lowest white man must be exalted above those who are black.”
RT @RichardFeren: Jordan Peterson actually said “Violent attacks are what happens when men do not have partners.” As if centuries of docume…
RT @WebDevLaw: Kid: mum here’s a letter from school
Me: *silent scream* pic.twitter.com/qHGptTcI3l
RT @HumanismEdu: Science educator and @Humanists_UK trustee @alomshaha recommends his five best science-based novels for children https://t…
RT @katedowdcasting: We’re looking for a transgender actress for a major part in a US TV series – if this is you please do get in touch! An…
RT @RianRietveld: Come on ladies. Let’s own this one!
Heb je nog geen praatje ingediend voor WordCamp Nijmegen? Het kan nog tot vanavond 23.59u via https://t.co/fHmaO1yhH2!#WC024 #WCNMGN #CallForSpeakers #AlmostClosing #CfP #CfS #WordCamp #Nijmegen #WordPress
— WordCamp Nijmegen (@WordCampNmgn) May 22, 2018
RT @WebDevLaw: Cannot put into words how proud I am of this. Having shipped GDPR tools in 4.9.6, we’ve established Privacy as a permanent c…
RT @Rachael_Swindon: A teenager with bone cancer and a prosthetic leg has been told she’s no longer eligible for her mobility car after she…
RT @_ElizabethMay: Hi ladies!
RT if you’ve have had a frightening response from a man when you’ve rebuffed, rejected, or otherwise ignored…
RT @RealSexyCyborg: A TaoBao store that sells @github stars (2rmb), follows (3rmb) and forks (4rmb)😂 pic.twitter.com/wNmCOxdO37