- Mike Little
- @mikelittlezed1
- @mikelittle
- mikelittle
- Stockport, UK
- mikelittle.org
- Tweets
- With Replies
Recent tweets « page 53
RT @nickmon1112: At least three different people have asked me to look into @RealSexyCyborg ‘s situation. It’s relevant because Sarah Jeong…
Keep your WordPress website secure.
“It might just be a website to you, but to a criminal, it’s an important resou…
RT @wp_glasgow: Registration to the first ever #WordPress Contributor Day in #Glasgow and Scotland will open in a few days’ time.
Apply to…
RT @jijidraws: Beware of the Pentel inktober contest:
inktober.pentel.com pic.twitter.com/13iufVjyRf
RT @tanurai: Please read this. Naomi is one of the most genuinely lovely and hospitable people I’ve met, and she didn’t and doesn’t deserve…
RT @majortimspace: Weekly ‘Galactic Cosmic Quiz!
Last week the answer was – 1903!
Next 7 day teaser –
In which year was The British Interpl…
RT @williamsba: If you’re in the camp that thinks #Gutenberg should be auto-enabled when released in #WordPress 5.0 these recent plugin rev…
This is a well-articulated summary of the nightmare Naomi Wu has been through at the uncaring hands of @vice. Espec…
We did it! Proud to support @Humanists_UK, championing ideas for the one life we have and securing massive policy c…
RT @ElliotElinor: For 33 years, Oswald Mosley was denied a platform by the BBC. The ban continued into the 1960s, decades past the end of t…
RT @amphianna: I need to replace my glasses soon and was planning to use @specsavers as usual but would rather not if they don’t @stopfundi…
RT @AnnMemmott: “I want to use respectful language in my research paper about autism”. A thread.
As we move firmly past the 20th Century ‘…
RT @JessicaOOTC: Banning Straws Hurts People // The Last Straw!: youtu.be/4IBH0pcKzlY?a via @YouTube
RT @wonderlandblog: THIS. @bbc should be *ashamed*.
I won’t go on the BBC if it supplies climate change deniers as ‘balance’ | Rupert Read…
RT @WebDevLaw: Resuming regular productivity after five months in a blender, I’ve decided that two years of GDPR work were quite enough, so…
RT @wojtekkutyla: This probably is the best compendium of knowledge on #GDPR available in English. And @WebDevLaw is awesome. On all levels…
RT @karmatosed: Friendly reminder that there are real humans behind the open source software you use daily. They tirelessly support, mainta…
RT @sophiacol: It’s very common for GPs to tell new mums they can’t take medication for anxiety or depression while breastfeeding. Actually…
RT @RealSexyCyborg: If being abused on the Internet counts as a job qualification I should be a damn CEO by now.
latimes.com/world/asia/la-… ht…
RT @wcmcr: The WordCamp Manchester sponsor slots are starting to fill up. Don’t miss the opportunity to get your business in front of the W…
Excerpts Working wordpress.org/news/2003/05/e… via @WordPress
RT @Rainmaker1973: Darwinian gastronomy. We evolved to like spices because they have antimicrobial properties, thus, reducing food poisonin…
RT @psb_dc: If you have little kids – consider giving them this fantastic book, so that they are familiar with not just Neil Armstrong and…
RT @howardhardiman: I live on a remote Scottish island and we are starting to plan food stores and increased food production because of a B…