- Mike Little
- @mikelittlezed1
- @mikelittle
- mikelittle
- Stockport, UK
- mikelittle.org
- Tweets
- With Replies
Recent tweets « page 19
RT @Humanists_UK: ‘The real hallmarks of humanity are curiosity and an amazing ability to cooperate.’ Lovely words to kick start Sunday by…
RT @Humanists_UK: In case you missed it:
The non-religious community in Northern Ireland is now reaching parity with the Catholic & Prote…
More than happy to be supporting such a great organisation. 🎉
In case you missed it:
We've appointed two new patrons this week! Please join us in welcoming WordPress co-founder @mikelittlezed1 & award-winning journalist @FelicityHannah to Humanists UK!
— Humanists UK (@Humanists_UK) June 12, 2021
RT @Humanists_UK: We’re proud to announce the appointment of two new patrons! 🎉
Co-founder of WordPress @mikelittlezed1 & the award-winni…
RT @Mermaids_Gender: Already, disappointing and contradictory framing from @BBCBreaking. It is not accurate to state that Forstater “lost h…
RT @Mermaids_Gender: Deep breath everyone: what *SHOULD* be the headline today: We as trans people are protected by equality law and this d…
I’ve been impressed recently by a couple of mailing lists I’m on sending me an option to opt out of Father’s day an…
RT @ErinInTheMorn: Holy shit. It’s worse.🧵 GLAAD partners with companies that donated to legislators advancing anti-trans youth bills. Coca…
RT @DavidArtiss: To celebrate #pride month, #WordPress users can add an LGBTQ+ flag to their admin bar, with 14 to choose from.
RT @karks88: #WordPress friends, I think we should start a little appreciation thread for @elliotcondon and all he’s done with @wp_acf. So,…
We’re not the good guys: Osaka shows up problems of press conferences | Jonathan Liew theguardian.com/sport/blog/202…
Check out Tongue-in-cheek designs to make you smile by Adoria Moon on @Kickstarter kickstarter.com/projects/adori…
RT @no_fear_inc: Happy birthday, WordPress!
Kudos to @photomatt and @mikelittlezed1 for teaming up back in the day and creating the open s…
RT @WorthyOnTheWeb: I was lucky enough to first meet @mikelittlezed1 in 2014 when I discovered @mwug a monthly meet up where anybody could…
RT @GurbirSingh: Congratulation @wordpress. This interview from 2010 in Cardiff (with @photomatt wearing a cool hat to hide the not so cool…
RT @tomwillmot: Happy 18th WordPress!
You’ve been a huge part of so much that is good in my life. What a wondrous & wonderful thing you’ve…
RT @keithdevon: It’s 18 years since @photomatt and @mikelittlezed1 started WordPress.
I wonder what the web would be like if that had neve…
RT @StopFundingHate: After an independent selection panel rejected proposals to install Paul Dacre as Ofcom Chair, the UK Government has de…
RT @jrf_nl: @FrancescaMarano @SergeyBiryukov @photomatt @mikelittlezed1 For the project to:
* Grow the F* up: get proper governance and out…
RT @SazBaileyUK: @mikelittlezed1 I hope not just an amendment, but republication to WP eyeballs is due @JosephaHaden @WordPress
RT @miss_jwo: Big thanks to @mikelittlezed1 who I met via @mwug & kept quiet about how he was the co-founder of the software that my jobs h…
RT @idavinder: @mikelittlezed1 Yep, glad you pointed out! As such, me and many other vintage WordPress users will always be thankful to you…
RT @wpdavidv: @mikelittlezed1 Glad to see there’s a fix in the works on that article. FWIW, you’re not left out of the story I tell @mikeli…
RT @no_fear_inc: Happy birthday, WordPress!
Kudos to @photomatt and @mikelittlezed1 for teaming up back in the day and creating the open s…
RT @schutzsmith: Also, I was today years old when I discovered that WordPress had a cofounder, @mikelittlezed1!
Thank you Mike!!!