- Mike Little
- @mikelittlezed1
- @mikelittle
- mikelittle
- Stockport, UK
- mikelittle.org
Tweet Archive for November 2014
@wpmark Will try to put one together tomorrow (if I remember).
@wpmark I think you can with WP_Tax_Query::get_sql() and then modify the query on pre_user_query action. I did similar with BuddPress.
RT @mydaughtersarmy: The voice of Iggy Pop pic.twitter.com/o3LuZ4sRV4
@WAUKCE @HackOldham Thanks and feel free to delete the comment now.
RT @madlabuk: Want to learn #WordPress? Beginner, intermediate & advanced courses starting new year! madlab.org.uk/courses/
RT @br_uk: Reader writes to newspaper explaining why women can’t play football. pic.twitter.com/q9zBRL6WQs
@WAUKCE @HackOldham I commented with some important corrections.
RT @sharonodea: Publicly-run, East Coast line returned £1bn profit to the Treasury. So the govt have hurriedly privatised it at a loss. WTF?
RT @HackOldham: Big thanks to our host @WebAppUK and our first speaker @mikelittlezed1 at the #oldham WordPress User Group
@HackOldham @WebAppUK arrived early. Now to find the place.
@gerwyn That’s november’s. December’s will be going up this week and it will be the 17th.
@herb_miller Yes that was the one. Remember it doesn’t measure password strength just size of ‘haystack’ containing your needle.
RT @HackOldham: Don’t forget it’s the first WordPress user group at @WebAppUK with @mikelittlezed1 tonight!
@speeddial2 Chrome is prompting for new permissions for your extension. What’s changed? Why do you need them?
@HackOldham Guys you really need to remember to spell WordPress correctly. Capital W, capital P, always. Thanks.
RT @codinghorror: Barbie: a Computer Engineer pamie.com/2014/11/barbie…
RT @WordPresston: #WordPresston next meet up is on the 25 come on down to @KorovaArts arts and meet other WordPress users both new and ol…
RT @imascientist: So earlier today we realised that 50% of the finalists were male. Now we know that 50% of the winners are female. #gender…
@countrybaskets If you’re going to advertise during a popular show, make sure the site can cope & turn off stacktrace pic.twitter.com/kqxaLyBXiV
RT @madlabuk: madlab.org.uk/content/detail… DIRECTIONS!
RT @madlabuk: Tonight’s Manchester WordPress User Group is now going to be at Federation House. We apologise for the inconvenience @mikelit…
RT @wildlifetrusts: Time ‘I’m a Celebrity’ focussed on celebrating wildlife rather than abusing it? Good points raised by @ChrisGPackham ht…
RT @CodeClub: Help make an impact on CS education! We get $1 for every RT #IntelAndroid & #DevFieldGuide! bit.ly/6Code4Good http://t.c…